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T-cymbals arrive in South Africa

by | Sep 9, 2021 | Gear, Gear News

T-Cymbals produces cymbals 100 percent hand-made by drummers out of its Istanbul facility. It offers a wide array of cymbals for players of all styles and preferences. They will happily make a set of cymbals to your specification, even down to logo design and colour. If you ever fancied a set of 18″ hi-hats, or a 24″ china, they’re the people to talk to.

They have recently partnered with Marshall Music to import and sell their cymbals through their flagship store in Woodmead.



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The first shipment, which is already available to buy online, consisted of several custom cymbals and a selection from T-cymbals’ T-Natural, T-Classic, and T-alternative ranges, as well as effects cymbals from their Janissary-X range.

T-cymbals have established themselves as master cymbal makers, offering custom cymbals made to suit the exact requirements of each drummer. As these cymbals are made by cymbal smiths in the heart of cymbal-country, the quality and finish are of the highest order.



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About T-cymbals

After close to 10 years of marketing and designing cymbals for other cymbal companies, we decided to start creating our masterpieces. What we have to offer is a fully custom line of cymbals tailored to the player. We have brought all the years of our experiences as both a player and a “cymbal fanatic” to the table. We have our own niche in this business and we are happy to know there are other companies filling other niches. Take your time and really examine the products before you buy.

What TC is offering is 100% Handmade Turkish cymbals, made at our facility in Istanbul, Turkey by drummers. All the TC staff are highly skilled craftsmen. We play what we create and we stand by what we create. Our goal is to offer something special to the player who wants something other than the typical handmade, machine-made or hand-hammered cymbals.

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