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Veronica Bell

Meet the talented Veronica.

“To make and create music, using the gift as a language to translate love and inspire people over the boundaries of race, culture and creed, is what makes life meaningful to me and brings me much joy. When I specifically play my violin, my heart is stirred with emotions and thoughts that I just can not express with words!”

She started her music education at the age of four learning the piano and then the violin. Coming from a musical family, the atmosphere was set for Veronica to follow her passion. Veronica’s violin playing took her from the local violin teacher in Newcastle, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Mrs Clutton to Mr La Castro in Durban, ending up in Pretoria with Professor Alan Solomon and lastly Professor Jack de Wet between 1993 and 1995 where she finished her Bmus Hons at the University of Stellenbosch.
Now, she translates her message through the band, Zamar, based in Stellenbosch; Veronica is married and has four musical children, hoping and trusting that they will carry the message of hope that music can bring!



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